Our last Family Home Evening was a lot of fun. We had two investigators and two ward members. We sure wish we could get more to participate, but we will keep working on it. We did a Halloween theme which was kinda interesting because Halloween isn't really big here, but everyone soon got the feel for it.
At the end of the evening everyone looked like they had a good time.
We played wrap the mummy. We had two teams and they had to wrap someone in toilet paper. They were timed and the team who did the best job won.
This team was very satisfied with their work.
The other team working hard at their task.
The winner!!
We played "Charades". Here Zuzi is acting out "Horror".
We also played "pictionary" with Halloween words. They weren't to familiar with American Halloween words and sayings.
For dessert they had to eat their donuts from a string. The Elders were the best at this! They really wanted that donut!!!!!!! We ended the evening on a spiritual note with favorite Book of Mormon stories.
Fun times and fond memories from the Czech Republic.
Hope you weren't using up all the TP we sent you from the good 'ole US of A