Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our specialized training for the month of August was in Olomouc.  This was about an hour train ride away.  The train was much nicer and it wasn't nearly as hot so made for a much better trip than when we had to travel to Brno.  They had the main namesti, or town square, under construction and it was right outside our window during the meeting.  Very noisy.  If we shut the windows we got to hot, open the windows we couldn't hear.  Welcome to the C.R.         Sister Mills and the Elders going to find a tram after the meeting. (Wish I had a nickle for every tram I have been on in the last two months!!

Here is our tram in Olomouc approaching.  Elder Gleue put his thumb out hoping it would stop and give us a ride!

One of the families in the branch we visited this week were the Moravec.  They live in Frydek/Mistek.  This is about a 30 minute train ride away from Ostrava.  When we arrived Bro. Moravec picked us up in his car and took us on a little tour of the city.  It was a very charming city.  Actually two cities right next two each other and they each have their own namesti.  Here is Elder Story, Elder Boysen and Sister Mills standing in the middle of the main namesti of the city Frydek.

Brother Moravec, Elder Story, Elder Mills and Elder Boysen.  Did I mention Elder Boysen is 6'7" tall.  So the other men aren't short, Elder Boysen is just very tall!  Frydek Namesti.

Again, Sister Mills, Bro. Moravec, and Elder Boysen.

Looking out over Frydek/Mistek.

Main namesti of Mistek.  Elder Story, Bro. Moravec, Sister Mills, and Elder Boysen.

 A cool church on the streets of Mistek.  They have more interesting looking churches here in the CR.  It is amazing that there are so many nonbelievers here.

Main namesti Mistek.

This is looking out the window of Bro and Sister Moravec flat. in Mistek.

Another view from their flat.

Bro. and Sister Moravec, Sister Mills, Elder Mills.  This is in the Moravec home.  She fixed us dinner and we had a great visit.  They were baptized into the church 50 years ago when CR was under communism and they had to do everything in secret.  They were baptized in the forest, late at night, in the river.  They have very strong testimonies and are a big part of the Ostrava Branch.  Wonderful people!!

One of our favorite parts of our mission is going to visit the members in their homes and getting to know them better.  We have had such great experiences.

Just a picture of a train like the ones we ride.

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