Sunday, January 13, 2013

Last P-day, Jan 8, 2013, the young Elders and Elder Mills went back to Hukvaldy to see its beauty in the winter time.  They were not disappointed.  Here is just a little of what they saw. 
(BTW.... Sister Mills couldn't muster up the courage to go out in the freezing cold this day.  So, she just has to enjoy the pictures with each of you.)

Elder Mills on the trail to the Hukvaldy Castle.

Elders, Buhler, Chezik, Odell, Simcock, Stockdale, and Neumann standing in the roots of a big tree.

The Elders standing around the famous Hukvaldy Fox.  Rub his tail and you will have good luck.

Elder Mills and the Fox.

Hukvaldy Castle.

At the end of their day could you imagine a more beautiful sight!!

Beauty, Peace and Solitude all on one street.

This is Kristian Šihova with  his cat.  He is one of the boys in Sister Mills Primary.  He is so delightful.  He speaks Czech, German and a little English.  We were visiting teaching his mother on this day.

Just a short post for today.  I hope you all enjoy these few pictures of the beautiful Czech Republic.  It is amazing to be able to serve God's children here.  We couldn't be more grateful for the blessings we are receiving because of our mission.
Elder and Sister Mills

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