We attended our first Zone Conference on Friday, July 27, 2012. We had to go by train to Brno, the second largest city in the Czech republic, which was about a 2 1/2 hour train ride. Here we are waiting for our train. We got up at 4:00 a.m. to make our 5:45 a.m. train. (Elders, Boysen, Story, Knapp, Carlson, Prymax, and Hanson)
We met several other senior couples at conference. Here is Elder and Sister Martin. They are serving in Brno at the YSA Center. It is a conincidence that they have also served in Laos with Dwight and Barbara Cook. It was so hot that day that we were all pretty wilted by the time it was over.
Here we are walking the streets of Brno.
Here we are waiting for another tram. Thank goodness for trams!!
Streets of Brno. I don't know what any of the building are as we were just walking quickly by them.
We are on the train leaving Brno going back to Ostrava. This was taken out of the train window. Brno is a beautiful city. Very old and very clean compared to Ostrava. We hope to be able to spend more time there someday.
The countryside is dotted with beautiful farms and homes with red tiled roofs. It was very beautiful.
Tried to show the homes with the red tiled roofs here. We got home around 7:00 p.m. I was so hot I thought I would die. No airconditioning on the train we rode on, but we survived.